Monday, July 23, 2012

A Story Has Been Made

It has taken me years of wanting to write, but today, or more like late last night, I finished my first short story. I've written half stories, I've dreamed of many amazing fantasies, but never have I actually finished a story. So, I'm most definitely proud of myself in a way. I don't actually consider this story finished, it was really just meant to be the first scene of a larger story, but than I decided that I really liked that part, I cleaned it up and now, while still usable in a larger setting, I have what I believe is a decent little short story that can stand alone.

My first real attempt at a short story that I wrote about several weeks ago was going to be about a man who was offered money to kill someone he didn't know. It wasn't exciting for me, so I can't imagine it exciting readers. This new one, I'm calling it "The Dream" for now, is about a young squire who is pretty much suffering from PTS. I wanted to avoid fantasy, its so full of cliches and often feels immature, but fantasy was what turned me into the avid reader I am today, and when I first wanted to write, even as a very young child, it was fantasy that had my imagination. So, writing a fantasy story is sort of like going back to my roots as a lover of words, and I feel a great way for me to get my writing off the ground.

If you can't tell, I'm excited to have finally finished something. Do I think its utterly amazing? Do I believe its an original idea lacking cliches? Am I ready to start pumping out publishable masterpieces? No, but I'm still proud of it because it shows me that if I really sit down and write I could get something interesting done. Plus, I like the character.


  1. otin, thanks for commenting and the encouragement, its nice to see the blog has been read. I definitely plan on keeping at it, I finally have my grasp on a dream and won't let go now.
